The fortran_dynamic_loader module

The fortran_dynamic_loader module defines an object-oriented Fortran interface to the system dynamic loader as implemented by the POSIX C functions dlopen, dlclose, dlsym, and dlerror.


use fortran_dynamic_loader
use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_f_pointer
use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_funptr, c_f_procpointer


  • derived type: shlib

  • subroutines: shlib%open, shlib%close, shlib%func, shlib%sym


Link with the system DL library (-ldl on Linux) to resolve the symbols dlopen, dlclose, dlsym, and dlerror.

The shlib derived type

The derived type shlib implements the dynamic loading of a shared library and access to data and procedures defined by the library.

Type bound subroutines

The derived type has the following type bound subroutines. Each subroutine has the optional intent(out) arguments stat and errmsg. If the integer stat is present, it is assigned the value 0 if the subroutine completes successfully, and a nonzero value if an error occurs. In the latter case, the deferred-length allocatable character variable errmsg, if present, is assigned the error string returned by the underlying system dl library. If stat is not present and an error occurs, the error string is written to the preconnected error unit and the program exits with a nonzero status.

open(filename, mode [,stat [,errmsg]])

Load the shared library file named by the character argument filename and associate it with the shlib object. If filename contains a slash / it is interpreted as a relative or absolute pathname. Otherwise the dynamic loader searches a certain list of directories for the library; see the system documentation for dlopen for a detailed description of the search process.

One of the following two parameters must be passed as the mode argument:


Only resolve symbols as the code that references them is executed (lazy binding).


All undefined symbols in the library are resolved before the open procedure returns. An error occurs if this is not possible. This is also the behavior if the environment variable LD_BIND_NOW is set to a nonempty string (Linux).

One of the following parameters may optionally be or’ed with the preceding values before being passed as the mode argument; for example, mode = ior(RTLD_LAZY,RTLD_GLOBAL).


The symbols defined by this library will be made available for symbol resolution of subsequently loaded libraries.


This is the converse of RTLD_GLOBAL and the default. Symbols defined by this library are not made available to resolve references in subsequently loaded libraries.

See the system documentation for dlopen for more details.

close([stat [,errmsg]])

Decrement the reference count on the shared library. When the reference count reaches zero, the shared library is unloaded. See the system documentation for dlclose for a detailed description of the behavior.

func(symbol, funptr [,stat [,errmsg]])

Get the memory address where the specified function symbol from the shared library is loaded. The character argument symbol gives the symbol name, and the address is returned in the type(c_funptr) argument funptr. The caller is responsible for converting this C function pointer to an appropriate Fortran procedure pointer using c_f_procpointer from the intrinsic iso_c_binding module.

sym(symbol, symptr [,stat [,errmsg]])

Get the memory address where the specified data symbol from the shared library is loaded. The character argument symbol gives the symbol name, and the address is returned in the type(c_ptr) argument symptr. The caller is responsible for converting this C pointer value to an appropriate Fortran data pointer using c_f_pointer from the intrinsic iso_c_binding module.

An example

Load the C math library and calculate the cube root of 8 using the function cbrtf from the library.

use fortran_dynamic_loader
use,intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_funptr, c_f_procpointer

abstract interface
  real function f(x)
    real, value :: x
  end function
end interface
procedure(f), pointer :: cbrtf

type(shlib) :: libm
type(c_funptr) :: funptr

call libm%open('', RTLD_NOW)
call libm%func('cbrtf', funptr)
call c_f_procpointer(funptr, cbrtf)
if (cbrtf(8.0) /= 2.0) print *, 'error'
call libm%close